Sunday, January 9, 2011

Whitewater Kayaking

Whitewater Kayaking
Whitewater Kayaking
Whitewater Kayaking
Whitewater Kayaking
Whitewater kayaking is the sport of paddling a kayak on a moving body of water, typically a river. Whitewater kayaking can range from a fun, carefree, splishy-splash float trip to a challenging, adrenaline filled sport.
The kayak (or just 'boat') used in whitewater kayaking is different than those used in Whitewater Racing or Sea Kayakng. Traditionally, kayaks were made of animal skins stretched over wooden frames. Early white water boats were fiberglass or kevlar. Today boats are typically made of a tough plastic that is slightly flexible and very durable. Boats can range in size from barely long enough to hold the paddler (around 6 ft/1.8 m long), up to 12 ft (3.6 m) or longer.

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